Friday, April 9, 2010

Broken Souls

This was a project for my Illustration Class... it was based on an article about domestic abuse.  Done with Watercolor.

I realized that I have about 6 websites where I post images... This is getting ridiculous. I have this blog, which I like cuz I can customize, but I don't know how to make a gallery link.  I have an artbistro.. which I keep forgetting the password for, and theres this point system that makes things 1000 times more confusing and I feel pressured to make videos and comment on horrible watercolor paintings of flowers done by old women.  And no one I know has one, but strangely, I have alot of "friends" on that site and people love to comment on my stuff. But I rarely check on my messages there.  I also use Facebook just to show off to non-friend artists from my highschool, or rather embarrass myself.  Deviantart is fun, but not professional. and I always have so many useless messages.  And I have so much horrible artwork on there.  I just started using Flickr.. that seems the most simple.. I like it.  And then theres also this ugallery.. which I never go on.. cuz they have to approve you and then make you pay for things you don't need... and to sell your work, its a rip-off.  I'm not going to even count that one...

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